如何在 Jitsi Meet 中启用转录功能

本文将介绍如何在 Jitsi Meet 中启用转录功能。


要通过转录安装和配置 Jitsi Meet,请执行以下操作:

1. 根据文档安装 Jitsi Meet。

2. 安装 Jigasi,Jitsi Meet 服务可与语音转文本服务对接,提供转录功能:

sudo apt install jigasi

3. 配置 Jigasi。

配置在 /etc/jitsi/jigasi/sip-communicator.properties 文件中完成。取消注释并编辑以下几行:

# Options regarding Transcription. Read the README for a detailed description
# about each property



# delivering final transcript

# save formats

# send formats

# Vosk server
# org.jitsi.jigasi.transcription.vosk.websocket_url={"en": "ws://localhost:2700", "fr": "ws://localhost:2710"}

4. 启动Vosk:

docker run -d -p 2700:2700 alphacep/kaldi-en:latest

5. 配置 Jitsi Meet。

其配置文件名会因安装 Jitsi Meet 时配置的主机名而异。我的文件位于 /etc/jitsi/meet/omoiomoi.org-config.js。您需要编辑配置文件的以下部分:

   // Transcription options.
    // transcription: {
    //     // Whether the feature should be enabled or not.
    //     enabled: false,

    //     // Translation languages.
    //     // Available languages can be found in
    //     // ./src/react/features/transcribing/translation-languages.json.
    //     translationLanguages: ['en', 'es', 'fr', 'ro'],

    //     // Important languages to show on the top of the language list.
    //     translationLanguagesHead: ['en'],

    //     // If true transcriber will use the application language.
    //     // The application language is either explicitly set by participants in their settings or automatically
    //     // detected based on the environment, e.g. if the app is opened in a chrome instance which
    //     // is using french as its default language then transcriptions for that participant will be in french.
    //     // Defaults to true.
    //     useAppLanguage: true,

    //     // Transcriber language. This settings will only work if "useAppLanguage"
    //     // is explicitly set to false.
    //     // Available languages can be found in
    //     // ./src/react/features/transcribing/transcriber-langs.json.
    //     preferredLanguage: 'en-US',

    //     // Disable start transcription for all participants.
    //     disableStartForAll: false,

    //     // Enables automatic turning on captions when recording is started
    //     autoCaptionOnRecord: false,
    // },


    // Transcription options.
    transcription: {
    //     // Whether the feature should be enabled or not.
        enabled: true,

    //     // Translation languages.
    //     // Available languages can be found in
    //     // ./src/react/features/transcribing/translation-languages.json.
    //     translationLanguages: ['en', 'es', 'fr', 'ro'],

    //     // Important languages to show on the top of the language list.
    //     translationLanguagesHead: ['en'],

    //     // If true transcriber will use the application language.
    //     // The application language is either explicitly set by participants in their settings or automatically
    //     // detected based on the environment, e.g. if the app is opened in a chrome instance which
    //     // is using french as its default language then transcriptions for that participant will be in french.
    //     // Defaults to true.
        useAppLanguage: true,

    //     // Transcriber language. This settings will only work if "useAppLanguage"
    //     // is explicitly set to false.
    //     // Available languages can be found in
    //     // ./src/react/features/transcribing/transcriber-langs.json.
    //     preferredLanguage: 'en-US',

    //     // Disable start transcription for all participants.
    //     disableStartForAll: false,

    //     // Enables automatic turning on captions when recording is started
    //     autoCaptionOnRecord: false,
    // },

6. 重新启动所有 Jitsi Meet 服务:

sudo systemctl restart jitsi-videobridge2.service
sudo systemctl restart jicofo.service
sudo systemctl restart jigasi.service
sudo systemctl restart prosody.service


完成这些步骤后,您应该会在 Jitsi Meet UI 中看到一个新选项。查看并使用该选项:

1. 开始会议:

如何在 Jitsi Meet 中启用转录功能

2. 点击屏幕底部的以下内容,查看更多选项:

如何在 Jitsi Meet 中启用转录功能

3. 点击以下内容,查看屏幕上的字幕:

如何在 Jitsi Meet 中启用转录功能

……就这样。使用此配置后,您将不再需要邀请 “转录员 “用户进入房间。它会自动为你邀请。与 “邀请他人”、邀请 “jitsi_meet_transcribe “这种开始转录的方法相比,用户体验有了很大提升。


希望本文对您有所帮助。请注意,虽然这种配置能让转录 Jitsi Meet 会议变得更容易,但并不能让会议结束后访问转录内容变得更容易。

作者:Chris Carrington




